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Redmine Admin, 19 September 2023 10:16

Test page

The structure is designed to be comprehensive, covering all potential areas of concern for an Infrastructure Sub-Committee. However, it's essential to note that the actual usage and relevance of each directory might vary based on the specific activities and priorities of the Sub-Committee. The structure can be adapted or refined based on real-world usage and feedback from the Sub-Committee members.


Digital Health Strategy

Working Groups

  1. Digital Health (DH) Technical Working Group (TWG) WIKI | BOARDS | TASKS

Sub Committees

  1. Data Standards and Interoperability
  2. Leadership, Governance, Sustainability & Investment
  3. Legislation, Policy and Compliance
  4. Infrastructure
  5. Services and Applications
  6. Workforce

Updated by Redmine Admin about 1 year ago · 15 revisions

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