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Revision 4 (Redmine Admin, 20 September 2023 09:42) → Revision 5/22 (Redmine Admin, 20 September 2023 09:42)


 # 🌐 **Welcome to the Digital Health Knowledge Hub** 

 Greetings esteemed stakeholders, 

 This platform is a testament to the Republic of Zambia's commitment to advancing the nation's health sector into the digital age. The **Digital Health Knowledge Hub** is an integral part of our journey towards realizing the vision set forth by the **SMART Zambia Institute**: _"To be an effective SMART Government Institution enabling Zambia to be a prosperous and globally competitive knowledge-based Country by 2030"_. 

 The **Interoperability & Architecture Portal** is a collaborative effort between the **Directorate of ICT of the Ministry of Health**, the **eSHIFT Partner Network**, and is generously funded by the **USAID E4H Project Managed by MSI**. This initiative aligns with the mission of the SMART Zambia Institute: _"To provide efficient, relevant and transparent e-services to the Citizenry using affordable and available Information Communication Technologies for the attainment of a SMART Zambia"_. 

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 ## 🌐 **Our Commitment** 

 In line with the values of the SMART Zambia Institute, we pledge 'Professionalism, Commitment, Reliability, Transparency, Accountability Integrity and Confidentiality' in all our endeavors. This platform is a testament to our dedication to these values, ensuring timely and quality e-services to the satisfaction of all stakeholders. 

 ## 🌐 **Key Focus Areas** 

 Our efforts on this platform revolve around: 

 1. **Leadership and Governance**: Strengthening teams and ensuring sustainable efforts. 
 2. **Legislative and Regulatory Frameworks**: Ensuring the protection of personal and confidential information. 
 3. **Technical Components**: Establishing standards, services, and applications for interoperability. 
 4. **Human Resources Capacity Development**: Building in-country capacity through partnerships. 
 5. **Infrastructural Requirements**: Setting standards for data security, server management, and hardware infrastructure. 

 ## 🌐 **Collaboration and Exclusivity** 

 This platform is exclusive to a select group of stakeholders dedicated to the digital transformation of Zambia's health sector. We invite our partners to collaborate, contribute, and drive forward the aspirations of the nation. 

 ## 🌐 **Acknowledgments** 

 We extend our gratitude to the **Electronic Government (e-Gov)**, also known as the **Smart Zambia Institute**, for their guidance and support. Their dedication to improving service delivery through the Electronic Government Act No. 41 of 2021 has been instrumental in the development of this platform. 

 ## 🌐 **Join Us** 

 We warmly welcome our esteemed stakeholders to collaborate, contribute, and be part of Zambia's digital health transformation. Together, we will achieve the goals set forth for a prosperous Zambia. 

 For further details and collaboration, please refer to our [public wiki](/link-to-public-wiki). 

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