


Abbreviations and Acronyms » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (Redmine Admin, 16 September 2023 22:37) → Revision 2/4 (Redmine Admin, 16 September 2023 22:38)

# Abbreviations and Acronyms 

 | AIDS  | Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome  | 
 | **CDISC**  --- | --- | 
 | CDISC  | Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium  | 
 | **CDSS**  CDSS  | Clinical Decision Support systems   | 
 | **CSO**   CSO   | Central Statistics Office  | 
 | **DATIM**  DATIM  | Data for Accountability, Transparency and Impact Monitoring  | 
 | **DHIS2**  DHIS2  | District Health Information System 2  | 
 | **DISAl ab**  DISAl ab  | multi-disciplinary and multi-lingual laboratory information system (LIS)  | 
 | **eLMIS**  eLMIS  | electronic Logistics Management Information System (eLMIS)  | 
 | **ESGP**  ESGP  | Economic Stabilization and Growth Programme  | 
 | **FHIR**  FHIR  | Fast Health Interoperability Resources  | 
 | **GDP**  GDP  | Gross Domestic Product  | 
 | **HIE Standards**  HIE Standards  | Electronic health information exchange  | 
 | **HIV**  HIV  | human immunodeficiency virus  | 
 | **HL7**  HL7  | Health Level Seven  | 
 | **HMIS**  HMIS  | Health Management Information System  | 
 | **ICD 10**  ICD 10  | International Classification of Diseases  | 
 | **ICT**  ICT  | Information & Communication Technologies  | 
 | **IHE**  IHE  | Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise  | 
 | **INRIS**  INRIS  | Integrated National Registration Information System  | 
 | **MDAs**  MDAs  | Ministries Departments & Agencies  | 
 | **OpenHIM**  OpenHIM  | Open Health Information Mediator  | 
 | **OpenMRS**  OpenMRS  | Open Medical Record System  | 
 | **REA**  REA  | Rural Electrification Authority  | 
 | **SDG**  SDG  | Sustainable Development Goals   | 
 | **SNOMED**  SNOMED  | Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine -- Clinical Terms  | 
 | **STI’s**  STI’s  | Sexually Transmitted Infections  | 
 | **SZI**  SZI  | Smart Zambia Institute  | 
 | **TB**  TB  | Tuberculosis  | 
 | **TWG**  TWG  | Technical Working Group  | 
 | **UNZA**  UNZA  | The University of Zambia  | 
 | **WHO**  WHO  | World Health Organisation   | 
 | **ZABS**  ZABS  | Zambia Bureau of Standards  | 
 | **ZDHS**  ZDHS  | Zambia Demographic & Health Survey  | 
 | **ZESCO**  ZESCO  | Zambia Electric Company  | 
 | **ZICTA**  ZICTA  | Zambia Information and Communications Technology Authority  | 

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